"Eye" Love You

February 13, 2018  •  3 Comments

The Love LineYour path will take twists and turns, but with the right outlook, it will straighten and lead to love.

“I love you”. It’s what Valentine’s Day is all about, right? It’s a day we say “I love you” to our significant other. A day to celebrate being in love. A day for flowers, and chocolates, and jewelry, and dinner dates...

Well, BLAHHHHH!!!! I’ve never been a fan of Valentine’s Day. It is a day commercialized to the point of expectation. Expectation for couples to purchase gifts of "love". Are these truly gifts from the heart? It is also a day of darkness for those without someone to love. It is a day that hurts, saddens, and burns. So, nope. I'm not a fan; however, I am a HUGE fan of LOVE. So much, in fact, that I look for LOVE. I look for LOVE in everything. And guess what? It is always around us! Not just one day, but every day. You just have to open your eyes...

Love FlowsLife's waters may be raging, but your heart will protect you. Let your love flow.

Let's refocus. Who says Valentine’s Day has to be celebrating love for another person? Let’s celebrate love within our own heart.

  • Are you struggling with self confidence? Fall in love with yourself again.
  • Have you just lost a loved one? Fall in love with memories of the love you shared.
  • Are you trying to get your life back on track? Fall in love with your strength.
  • Are you filled with negativity? Fall in love with change.
  • Are you always focused on the bad? Fall in love with the ability to see the good.

Rock Solid HeartIf you find your life has gaps or holes, fill them with love. Wedge your heart into the pain and find new growth within.

I challenge you to take time today to open your eyes. Love is there. I promise. Allow your eyes to say “EYE love you” this year and watch your world change for the better.

Happy ValentEYEne’s Day!


Cathy Hardin ( chaingang)(non-registered)
Very nice.
Your words are so beautiful Addie. Your photos certainly show love and the beauty that God took in creating it.
Ann Danley(non-registered)
Beautifully written and so true.
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